Piano Presto Progressive

Does your child play want to learn the piano?

Are you too busy to schedule in yet another extracurricular for your child?

Do you struggle with finding the time for them to attend a private lesson? 

If you answered YES to any of these questions.... I have the solution for you!! 𝄞


My online piano lesson tutorials come in easy to digest segments.

No travel and no scheduled lesson times.

How fantastic!!

Everyone is


Meet the Teacher

Music has always been a huge part of my life. I started to play the piano at age 3 and was the youngest person to compete in the Kiwanis Music Festival. I was a member of my church choir for as long as I can remember and any opportunity I had to join a choir or music group, I did! Around the age of 14 I played the keyboard in my youth group band and at the age of 18 I became our church pianist. In high-school I was a member of the Jazz Band, Concert Band, and both Junior and Senior Bands. I played and sang at Coffee Houses and was a part of the school's production of West Side Story where I played Anita! 

I went on to study music at Rocky Mountain College in Calgary Alberta.

For as long as I can remember I wanted to teach, and after attending Rocky Mountain College, I knew that I wanted to teach music! 

I also volunteer as Music Director for Streetlight Theatre Company in Pembroke Ontario. Since starting to volunteer for Streetlight in 2017, I have been the music director for 2 of their productions; "Beauty and the Beast" Jr. and "Into the Woods" Jr.  

I have always known and felt the power of music. Having the opportunity to teach others for 20+ years now...and counting...has been an absolute blessing!   

I am passionate about teaching and watching my students grow and develop their musical abilities. I want them to love music! I want them to have the confidence to sit at a piano and play their favorite songs and I want them to have the proper music education if they choose music and the arts as a career.

Material Needed

For this online piano course you will need:

Leila Fletcher Book 1

Click on the book to purchase.

Course Curriculum

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  Piano Presto with Ms April!
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